101 in 1001

I found this project, like many other projects, at Kendoka.se. The project was started at Triplux/Day Zero, and I wanted to do something like that the minute I saw it.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.

2. Stay Focussed. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.

3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.

4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.

5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

The list above is some tips what to think of when making your list. The only tips I’m ignoring is the first. It may be stupid and I know I was lazy when defining the things at my list, but I think it’s okay. It suits me, my life situation and my future and that’s important. It would be sad if the list became a obstacle rather than a help. I will not hesitate to edit my list if I, at any time, should feel that that’s the case.

I will do my very best to complete the list and I hope everyone out there get inspired by the list and of course trying to help my achieve my goals.

– Not started.
– In progress.
– Completed.
– Failed.

My project will end at new years eve (December 31st) 2008.
I have 39 more things to do.

Somewhat related to Yasylum
001. Remake the design of Yasylum.
002. Migrate the articles from Joomla-Yasylum to WordPress-Yasylum.
003. Learn to blog about more personal things.
004. Perfect the Yasylum template.

005. Obtain drivers license.
006. Have my eyes checked.
007. Begin using a calendar.
008. Work on my stage fright.
009. Visit five places I’ve never been to before.
010. Find out a fun and good way to excerise my body.
011. Save all change.
012. Ride a bike between Norrköping and Linköping.
013. Move from home to an own place.

014. Finish writing a novel.
015. Finish writing a roleplaying game.
016. Paint an ambigram.
017. Write something every day during a month.
018. Make a poster worth hanging on the wall.
019. Get an article published in a magazine.
020. Produce a short movie.
021. Build a lamp out of a blender.
022. Take 20 artistic photos.
023. Participate in one 26 things
024. Write 10 short stories. (10/10)
025. Learn 3 songs on guitar.
026. Make a ”don’t do this at home-video” for Youtube.

027. Donate blood.
028. Give away a half-used parking ticket.
029. Buy a thing and sell it with profit and give the difference to charity.
030. Offer my seat to an elder.
031. Plant a tree.
032. Help someone achieve something on their list.

033. Give someone flowers and chocolate.
034. Send a mail to 5 administrators of free websites and thank for their work.
035. Do my shopping with the environment in mind.
036. Make me an organ donor.

037. Invite someone to a picnic.
038. Release a message in a bottle.
039. Write a letter to my first teacher.
040. Host a gaming evening.
041. Invite my family to a dinner with food I’ve cooked.
042. Watch the stars/clouds with someone I like.

043. Watch two movies from each continent. (9/12)

044. Watch a movie from every decade (since 1890).

045. Watch five movies with pirates.

046. Visit a movie festival.
047. Read two books from each continent. (12/12)

048. Read every strip of Questionable Content.
049. Read ten books from Noble Prize winners. 10/10)

050. Watch ten academy awards winners for best picture. (10/10)

051. Visit a church, a mosque and a synagogue.

  • Krokeks kyrka, 060715
  • Main Mosque Hurghada, 070316

052. Read three books from three authors I don’t recognize.

053. Go to three conserts.

  • My sisters spring consert (23 May 2006)
  • The Soundtracks of our lives (6 september 2006)
  • Subvision and Shanty Town (15 november 2006)
  • Subvision and Fear and the yearning (14 december 2006)
  • Laleh (9 february 2007)

054. Listen to three CD’s from artists I don’t recognize.
055. Listen to a CD by an artist from each continent.
056. Visit five museums. (3/5)
057. Buy a painting I like.
058. Visit five gaming conventions. (5/5)
059. Cook a meal from a recipe from every continent.
060. Read five ”classics”.

061. Watch 5 movies directed by Ingmar Bergman.

062. Read the bible.
063. Try ten games I’ve never played before.
064. Watch 50 movies from my want-to-see-list at Filmtipset.se. (10/50)
065. Read a book and pass it on to someone (who will pass it on after she read it, and so on).
066. List Top20 movies I’ve seen.
067. List Top20 books I’ve read.
068. List Top100 songs I’ve heard.
069. Read 5 banned books.

070. 48 hours without touching a computer.
071. A week without making a pun.
072. A month without playing any Windows- or Web games.
073. A month without chewing gum.
074. Be a vegetarian for a month.
075. Don’t buy any candy for a month.
076. Don’t buy anything for a month.

077. Take a long walk in the night.
078. Watch a sunset and a sunrise.
079. Take a walk when it’s thundering.
080. Lay on the lawn.
081. Take a walk in the summer rain.
082. Take a walk and flipping coins at every intersection.
083. Spend an evening at the sea.
084. Light candles for people I miss.
085. Visit my late relatives’ graves.
086. Write inspiring messages on 10 little notes and leave them at various locations.

087. Buy a typical thing from every continent.

  • A Buddha statue from Asia
  • Papyrus paintings from Africa

088. Buy a laptop.
089. Buy a large ”military bag”.
090. Buy something antique.

091. Watch a ”rare” natural phenomenon.
092. Win something. Anything.
093. Stand in the longest queue.
094. Take a roadtrip.
095. Identify 100 things that make me happy.
096. Offer someone a drink and make someone offer me a drink.
097. Make it a habit to cut out fun things from newspapers.
098. Buy the morning paper in dressing gown.
099. Find a place called ”Tiffany’s” and eat breakfast there.

Every end is a new beginning…
100. Get someone else to make a list own their own.

101. At the end of the 1001 days, evaluate the project and decide whether or not to do it once more or try another similar project.

Första besöket? På Ackerfors.se finns över 2 000 artiklar. Vet du inte var du ska börja har jag sammanställt en lista med artiklar att läsa.

Tyckte du att artikeln gav dig något?

Stötta mig gärna via Ko-fi (knappen nedan), swisha ett litet bidrag till 0739 26 61 52, köp något i min butik, följ mig på någon plattform och dela vad jag skriver, eller köp en bok från bokönskelistan åt mig. Tack för att du läste!


  1. Jag skriver inte i de som skulle kunna vara på flera ställen. I fallet Hundra år av ensamhet får den stå på nobelpristagarna, inte på varifrån den kommer.

  2. Ja, precis. Jag vill ju se många filmer/läsa många böcker och då känns det rätt fånigt att pricka dem på flera ställen. :)

  3. Kalle: De åkte för länge sedan då jag hade så stora problem med ryggen att det inte hade svårt, utan omöjligt, att klara dem och jag istället formulerade andra mål som var akuta och utanför listan (göra något åt ryggen). Nu har jag visserligen inga problem med ryggen och jag har börjat motionera lite, men något intresse för att sätta tillbaka punkterna på listan har jag inte. Det är alldeles för tråkigt med träning. :)

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