April 06 report

It’s been a month since I started this 101 things project and it was a interesting first month. Interesting to see how my things worked out, was things too hard, too easy?
I’ve completed nine tasks in the first month, and started another 22 tasks. At least five of the completed tasks are the easy kind.

I do believe that my list is possible to complete, but not without working for it. And yeah, I think I work for it all the time, more or less which is nice. As soon as I started with the list I started to do things. Not just the stuff at the list but also other stuff.
Over and out for now.

Första besöket?

På Ackerfors.se finns runt 2 000 artiklar. Vet du inte var du ska börja har jag sammanställt en lista med artiklar att läsa.

Tyckte du att artikeln gav dig något?

Swisha gärna ett litet bidrag till 0739 26 61 52, köp min bok Om drömmar och rastlöshet, eller köp en bok från bokönskelistan åt mig. Tack! <3

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